my birthday present

my birthday present
My awesome birthday present 1/26/11 (see story under my first post)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Kabir Loses His Cup in Rumi’s Field

I am excited that another poet has submitted a poem for me to post on this blog. She enclosed this message with her poem. 

Hello, Pam. My friend Mary Bragg suggested I send the attached poem to you. I also read with a group of poets in Prescott, Arizona, and participate in a monthly Poets' Co-op meeting during which we share our work and seek feedback. I have been writing poetry since the 1970s, but only began sharing in public readings about three years ago. This poem was sparked by a sentence in Stephen Levine's memoir, Turning Toward the Mystery: A Seeker's Journey, one of those poetry flash fires that sometimes brings me a gift of information I didn't know I had.
I have been enjoying your poetry blog, and have signed up to receive your newsletter.
With thanks,
Sharon Seymour

I have read poems by Kabir and Rumi and enjoy them very much. I think you will enjoy this video ( youtube of Robert Bly  ) in which Robert Bly reads poems by Kabir. In it he claims that Kabir was Rumi's ancestor, but I don't think that is correct. According to Wikipedia Rumi lived about 200 years before Kabir.
I love the visual this poem creates. I can feel the excitement and energy of Kabir. I think you will like it as well as I do.  Thanks Sharon, I am very impressed.

Kabir Loses His Cup in Rumi’s Field

Such a beautiful cup, diamond vessel,
facets flashing, sun catcher.
Kabir runs, cap askew, robes flapping.
How can this treasure be lost?

Such a broad field,
vast rolling waves of grass;
where Kabir’s eye falls
red roses blossom.
Who is this approaching,
laughing, spinning sunwise,
hands open offering

Kabir’s eyes fill
and there! Just there!
Flash of diamond,
Run! There!
Cap lost,
flowers crushed,
falling exhausted,
knees sink onto shore,
grass-rimmed rill of clear water.

Kabir looks up, meets eyes,
compassion unbounded.
Hands dip into water,
lift, dripping diamonds.
Oh! This bottomless Cup!

February 21, 2013

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Mary Carvell Bragg lives in Arizona and belongs to a circle of friends and fellow writers who get together and share their poetry and prose. I love her poems and have posted her poems in the past. I especially enjoy hearing her reading her own poems. (She recorded a cd called Vantage Point) Last week I offered to post poems for the readers of this blog and she offered this gem. This poem evokes strong visuals for me. I especially like the last line. It reminds me there is so much that happens in this world that goes unnoticed that may be more important than the events we are aware of. Thanks for sharing, Mary.


I was there when two drops of water
coalesced to jump-start an ocean
as Grandmother Spider’s tentative web
evolved into a masterpiece
when Venus and Mars
lined up beside the moon

I was there in the garden
with a serpent, a man, a woman
surrounded by trees laden with fruit
when everyone knew the language of animals
when a cave man uttered two Ughs
and his mate understood

I was with a virgin atop an Aztec teocalli
hands and feet bound, head back
neck offered to the blade
with Mary when the Archangel appeared
with Buddha under the bodhi tree

I was with homeless strangers
pooling body warmth to survive the night
with the Jews at Auschwitz and Bergen-Belson
when a second atomic bomb ravaged Nagasaki
when the last carrier pigeon fell unnoticed to the ground

—Mary Carvell Bragg